Thursday, October 29, 2009

51 Days

As you can see we are in Playa after 51 days on the
road, 17 states, 3 countries, and 10,000 miles we
drove into Playa Thursday morning at 2:15am
that is correct (A.M.) we hit the road and when
it came time to stop we all said let's just go home!
So we drove 18 hours and we are glad not to be
in the truck today.
All in All it was a very good drive no real problems and the roads where good. Did support the local police at three spots where they wanted to chat with us. Did have one military stop where
they did take some of the bag's out and check them but did not have us unload the truck that was a blessing.
We start looking at houses Monday and we both know that God has a place for us. I feel way outside my box with all that has taken place in the last 51 Days. But I know in my heart that we are trusting God for our needs. Both Renee and I know we can not do anying apart from God and it's our prayer that we stay right in the middle of his plan for us.
We look forward to hearing from everyone so please drop us a note when you can. We do have the cell phone and it's always on.
Please pray for us as we seek to run the race that God has laid out for us.
Love to All
Bill & Renee'

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